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  I’m a firm believer that government shouldn’t attempt to create jobs, but government should create the environment for job growth.

The problem is that government thinks it can fix our economic crisis. What government needs to do is get out of the way.  Free enterprise, small business and the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people will fix our economic crisis - not forced government intervention.
  I believe life begins at conception and that we need to protect its sanctity. I will never vote for a bill that promotes abortion.  
  The American citizen should have the right to keep and to bear arms equal to that of the Army infantryman or the Marine rifleman. As a Marine sniper, I've deployed dozens of weapon systems. I am a proud member of the NRA.

We need to ensure that Tennesseans continue to have the ability to protect their families.
  The parent is the first and most important teacher a child will ever know and should always be recognized as such by the educational establishment

A one size fits all approach from the federal government is the wrong approach. Schools have unique needs; therefore we need to work toward giving control to our local school systems.
  If elected, I will fight to make government do what families and small businesses all over Tennessee have been forced to do in these hard economic times - live within their means.

Prosperity is quickly turning into poverty. Tennessee needs to have a balanced budget without superficial projects and without raising taxes.